545 results total, viewing 81 - 100
Here are some best practices to help you get the most out of your Honor My Grad 2020 platform from Creative Circle. more
We've created a flyer for sales reps to use in talking with advertisers along with a couple house ads to help you market What's Open to your business community.     more
We've created a flyer and some house ads to help you market 2020 Grads.   more
Some of the web sites we host are seeing huge jumps in digital traffic. Several are up more than 300%. Many others are up more than 100%. This could go on for months. So now is the ideal time for a web site upgrade!  more
Become the focal point of giving in your community and use local charities to help drive traffic and user contributions to your web site! more
"This (election app) is another great idea. . . Perfect timing." more
Just when we thought things might be stabilizing after more than a decade of difficult financial conditions, our industry is crippled by the coronavirus pandemic and a collapse of local … more
Creative Circle Media Solutions has released “What’s open” – a web application built specifically to help communities and media outlets deal with the chaos of the coronavirus outbreak. more
Graduation in 2020 is like no other. It stinks, especially for parents. But Creative Circle Media Solutions has released “Honor My Grad” – a web application built specifically to help parents, schools and media outlets give the graduating class of 2020 their due recognition.   more
This training video only applies to existing Creative Circle web CMS clients. It was taped March 24. more
This is a training session intended for clients who are not using the Creative Circle web site CMS and need a primer on our CMS basics. Taped on April 3. more
While our live demos go into more detail and answer questions, this video will give you a good overview of why you need What's Open NOW!   more
Aiming to help newspapers and other news organizations navigate the coronavirus public health crisis, America’s Newspapers and Editor & Publisher have launched Media Virus Watch … more
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